Thursday, December 28, 2006

ABC's of Me(me)

A- Available or single? Those are the same thing, I think…but no neither for me.

B- Best Friend? Whoa this is a hard one…I’d have to say…nope I can’t...never mind too many feeling out there to hurt.

C- Cake or Pie? Pie all the way baby…I really do not like cake very much. I do like Little Debbie cakes though, does that count?

D- Drink of Choice? Coca-Cola of course.

E- Essential Item? A book to read.

F- Favorite Color? Today…it is blue.

G- Gummi Bears or Worms? Gummi everything but bears if I must choose and I prefer the clear ones, I believe they taste like Pina Coladas ;)

H- Hometown? Warner Robins, Georgia

I- Indulgence? Starbucks Venti Iced Chai, light on the ice.

J- January or February? February. For no other reason except that it isn’t packed full of expectations from forgotten resolutions.

K- Kids and names? I have no children…I kind of hope it stays that way. I do have four pets though…Bridgette the Lhasa Apso, Raven the black cat with white panties, Max the MaineCoon cat who is dumb as a rock, and Charlotte the crazy crawled out of the woods in Homerville, Ohio kitten who I swear was born to be wild!

L- Life is incomplete without? Books and music.

M- Marriage Date? Not married

N- Number of Siblings? 2 sisters Diann and Joann and 1 new found brother David

O- Oranges or apples? I don’t particularly care for either. But If I had to choose one I’d most definitely choose oranges.

P- Phobias/Fears? The dark, car crashes, drowning, and saying something that can never ever being taken back or forgiven.

Q- Favorite Quote? “I am here to live out loud.” ~Emile Zola

R- Reason to Smile? Snow makes me smile…puppies and kittens also make me smile…I know it is sickening isn’t it?

S- Season? Winter all the way baby. Haven’t you read my license plate? I LV SNOW. Or as my friends say ILVS NOW (Elvis Now) or I Las Vegas Now (whatever freaks)!

T- Tag three people! Panda, Beth, and Kristine.

U- Unknown Fact About Me? Very few people know that in 5th grade I had a horrible accident that left me in a back brace for about a year and a half. If you want the whole story you gotta ask ;)

V- Vegetable you hate? I hate pretty much all vegetables but I could never, ever, ever see myself eating Collard Greens. Those are all kinds of wrong.

W- Worst habit? Laziness and I am all kinds of lazy...but not anymore. I was just asked to be a bride's maid yesterday so I must, I must, I must get on the damn treadmill. Today I have already walked by the Rolo's about 5oo times and I haven't eaten one. I did think about how good they are melted on top of pretzels but still...I haven't even licked one.

X- X-Rays you've had? Um geez…spine, teeth, arm, leg, foot…let’s just say X-Ray techs. have seen it all ;)

Y- Your favorite food? Green olives or dill pickles.

Z- Zodiac? Gemini

1 comment:

steve said...

D: I do hope you've tried some Coke from Mexico - beats the stuff we get here every day of the week.

K: I've got a Maine Coon too, and I suspect they're sorta like super models - pretty, but none too bright.