Monday, August 31, 2009


This weekend was packed full of fun activities. On Saturday we threw a little graduation party here at the house for some close friends and was a great time! There was so much food, laughter, and joking that the five plus hours that everyone hung out just flew by.

My friend Blue surprised me with an amazing cake that she made just for me! She even called Amelia ahead of time to find out what my favorite flavor of cake is (butter pecan) and made half of the cake in that. The other half was lemon, Amelia's favorite. She had to bake the cakes separately and then carve them into the shape of a book. Amazing! THANKS, Blue! And if you are interested in hearing the whole gory story about the first cake sticking to the pan, and the hand carving that she had to do you can read it on her blog Bluedaisy us and the Firefly

On Sunday we went to a friend's sons second birthday party. It was at a local party, one of my favorites and a great time was had by all. It was a bit chilly this weekend so we all had to sport jeans and tennis shoes but the kids could have cared less. Even Toddler G was happy enough to swing for at least an hour despite the layers that she was wearing. Happy Birthday, Curran! What a sweet little boy.

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