It's hard to believe that our little baby girl has just turned 6 months old! So many things about her have changed; she laughs and smiles at everyone now, she says Mama, she grabs things and shakes them (including the cats), she can sit up, she is eating real food and spitting anything we try to give her that is green out, she is AMAZING! I have never been so in love.
Oh and she is now sleeping in her crib, giving her mommies their room back...WOOHOO!
She's still short on the hair but all things in time, all things in time :)

She is so freakin' cute.
OMG - just look at her! Too damn cute for words!!!! Hope you are doing well - I'll have to keep updated by reading your blogb - love it!
oh hell, she is the cutest thing ever!
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